Friday, May 31, 2013

Words of wisdom from people in the Early Childhood Field...


"Parents don`t make mistakes because they don`t care, but because they care so deeply."

T. Berry Brazelton


"When we strengthen families, we ultimately strengthen the community. Our goal is that parents everywhere work with supportive providers, feel confident in their parenting role, and form strong, resilient attachments with their children. To help achieve this, providers must be responsive to parents, knowledgeable about child development, and eager to see every parent succeed."

T. Berry Brazelton


“Attachment to a baby is a long-term process, not a single, magical moment. The opportunity for bonding at birth may be compared to falling in love—staying in love takes longer and demands more work.”

T. Berry Brazelton


Finally, learning occurs within the context of social relationships with other members of the community who have similar, if not identical, issues and concerns from the realm of practice.”

Virgina Buysse

“When I think of the word passion and the meaning to the word passion, what comes to mind are what are my values, what are my beliefs, what are the ideas that lead me to action, what do I do so naturally that perhaps seems natural to me but may be challenging to others? What's in my heart?”

Leticia Lara


“Passion to fix all injustices in the world through teaching”

Louise Derman Sparks


”We have the unique opportunity of working with young children, to shape a child`s life for the better.”

Sandy Escobido


“Education opens up worlds, gives you tools to ask questions and investigate”

Renatta M. Cooper


Friday, May 24, 2013

                                          Personal Childhood Web

These are the people who nurtured and cared about me when I was a child...

My momI can`t begin to describe how much my mother means to me…just thinking about it brings tears to my eyes…she is everything I KNOW, THINK, BELIEVE, everything I AM. My mother has always loved me unconditionally and with all her heart. She gave up a comfortable life for herself in order to make a better one for us and for us to have a brighter future. She taught me to believe in myself…and to be proud of who I am…which is not easy at first as a European immigrant attending a public school…she taught me that my value is the most important and that once people see the real me I will shine and be happy…she was right! She taught me to never give up and that I can do anything I set my heart out to do…she taught me to stand tall and proud and to believe in myself. I wouldn`t be the person I am today without her. My mom was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer almost 2 years ago and as opposed to what doctors said…she is in remission and happily enjoying her grand children.

My father…a big believer that dreams can come true…he taught me that nothing is impossible…he risked his life for us by fleeing Romania during the communism…by swimming through the Danube with bullets hitting the water centimeters away from him…the only belongings he had that day were pictures of us, his family is a plastic pocket to treasure forever….he started a new life for himself and his family in freedom. He inspires me to be a risk taker and to go for what I believe in. I have a love for travelling, a desire to explore and to continue to learn from him.

My 1st Grade ESL Teacher…coming to a new country…learning a new language are not easy unless you have a great support system. I had one both at home and at school. A teacher that always gave me encouragement, made me see all the things I was good at and made me feel important was Mrs. Knight. She showed me that she valued my identity and my history. She showed me she was just as interested in learning Romanian as I was in learning English. I taught her new words every day and I loved going to school!!! Her support gave me the confidence to thrive in school and to continue to be motivated even now in my adult years.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Hello! Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Ana Pandelescu and I live in Romania. I am a Preschool Teacher at an international school in Bucharest and I absolutely love my job! I also have 2 gorgeous young children that I adore. I am very excited about this new educational adventure that lies ahead!